Spirit Of Service Scholarship Award

This awards program was established to provide a modest merit-based scholarship award to four high school seniors currently serving Blumenthal Arts as a Junior Ambassador. The purpose of the scholarship fund is to encourage the pursuit of higher education and provide financial assistance for expenses related to the first year of college. This assistance reinforces Blumenthal’s commitment to provide unique opportunities for high school juniors and seniors through the Junior Ambassadors Program.  

The ’Spirit of Service’ title recognizes the unselfish efforts and gifts of many individuals devoted to supporting the educational mission of Blumenthal Arts with the hope that recipients will use their gifts to impact future generations through the arts.

Scholarship Application Criteria and Process

  • Must be a high school senior currently serving as a Blumenthal Arts Junior Ambassador
  • Must exceed the program requirements signed at the beginning of the program
  • Must submit an official transcript
  • Must submit a double-space essay addressing the following questions:
    • What was the most impactful moment or element of the Junior Ambassador program?
    • How will you use what you have learned as a Junior Ambassador in your future support of and involvement of the arts?
    • What are your college plans? (Please include the name of at least on college or university that has admitted you.)
    • As of now, what are your post-college goals?

Email materials to educationdepartment@blumenthalarts.org

Support the Spirit of Service Scholarship Fund

To support the Spirit of Service Scholarship Fund or the Junior Ambassador program give today!

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David Goodman